Two weeks from today we will be walking onto an airplane with one way tickets in our hands and most of our worldly possessions checked through to a place that will become our new home. It goes without saying that we are excited. We are expectant. And we are even a bit relieved.

If you have ever made a big move in your life, or had a big event happen, you know that there comes a time when you sort of just ‘want it to be here already.’ It is a sentiment that I have been cautious to share, because if I’m not careful it will convey something I don’t want it to. That I just want to leave, or get out of here. That I don’t take every minute here with friends and family as precious. Which is the exact opposite of how I feel. How we feel. We love our communities, but we are also ready. We are ready to be there. To be trying to learn Spanish. And the streets. And how our gifts and talents will fit into the team that is already in Nica. We both feel like we have been waiting for this for SO LONG that it’s like Christmas to a five year old: we just want it to be here already! 🙂

In the next two weeks quite a bit will be happening:

•Landon will travel to his parents one last time before we move

•I will finish out nearly 8 years of employment at Sacred Heart

•We will reorganize (for the third time) our bags and totes that we are moving with

•Our church, Westside Faith Center, will commission us to go

•We will celebrate Easter with our church and family, a day that holds immense meaning to us as Christians

•We will sell our truck

•Plus all kinds of random last minute details

We would appreciate  your prayers in the next two weeks. Please pray that the details come together, that we remember all the things that need to be done, and that our final times with friends and family would be sweet.

One thought on “

  1. Connie and I are so thrilled how the Lord has asked you to serve with Him in Nicaragua. The blessings will be many, though they come through the Light or during the Darkness. Remember, the success of any ministry is not determined by the joys or sorrows you will have, or what you see or feel, but by the assurance that He is glorifying Himself and His Bride the Church is growing (spiritually). Numbers come in time and by his will. May the Lord continue to bless you with tenacious faithfulness all the days of your lives.

    For His glory alone, Brother Dave


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