These are most of the kiddos who go to the Las Parcelas school, which is right up the road from Ruby Ranch. These are the sweet littles we get to visit with at camp, wave to as we pass by on the road, and receive hugs from any time we see them. They have captured our hearts and we are so excited to see how each of them grow in the things the Lord has for them in their lives.


Photo credit goes to our super talented friend, Kristen

Will you join us in keeping each of these kiddos in your prayers? Life in the country is simple, but hard. So please keep Brittany, Karla, Tania, Yudelasi, Pedro, Dana, Evaline, Stacey, Jesus, Ariel, Mario, Jose, Estevan, Kenny, Jose, Raquel, Gimena and Oscar in your prayers.

Thank you!!


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